Jubilee monthly meeting 14 January 2025

Present: Louise, Ronny, Vincent, Jesse + for first point: Julie, Katrien. + from point on Seasonal Neighbors onwards: Ciel, Max, Clementine. Excused: Stijn, Filip, Hélène

Eavatea session with legal experts 21/01

First introduction of Eavatea to legal experts. + Danielle Kunsthal + Jubilee artists.
Feedback session 1,5h, with focus on legal questions. Max can do the introduction, focus of legal background ->

Julie: important for legal experts is what, who, how accessible/usable...maybe more interesting for them to listen to the way artists are interested to use the tool? Vincent: there are various obvious questions: copyright issues, position of the contributors, position of the carriers (Jubilee, nadine)
Ronny: Tuesday is to formulate a series of questions - brainstorm. In March, we prioritize these questions and do a thought experience - hackaton. On basis of that, a manual/document. Julie: in Agency, most cases are related to American law. That gives interesting new perspectives.

Julie & Louise have been researching the categorisation by Kobe, 'questions'.

Vincent: how to learn from Kobe's reseaerch on legal frameworks - for Eavatea? Julie: controverse around JK Rowling - questions of originality of reuse of existing works.

Julie: on Tuesday, we want to mediate between the abstraction that legal specialists may use and Eavatea using some of Agency's things/cases to concretize & problematize.

Ronny: Heide Hinrich's translation is an interesting solution that could inspire where I'd like to land in March. Julie: Eavatea as collective tool is a quite different playfield.

Julie: there are further categories that could be relevant to follow-up for Eavatea: for instance exhibitions.

Pratical: -need to make sure we can use appartment for toilet -> Jesse checks with Laurent -lunch? Louise: get Italian (sandwiches etc) -> Jesse arranges

Reading Room 20/01: introductory Reading Room about Agency's library

Ronny: Do we want to do the same approach as with Fred Dewey's? Or adapt more to Kobe's practice? We could discuss this on Monday? Vincent: Invite specific guests? Beyond Jubilee's artists proposing texts? Ronny: yes, but then we'd need to make a programme, and a budget (3500€ for 10 RRs).

Question of focus: thematic programme line or amalgamate of perspectives depending on range of people proposing.

Possibly informal collaboration between Jubilee's and Agency's circles, see who come to the RRs, who are interested to participate in the conversations, who feel like sharing their experiences with the library - and invite these people. Alice, Erika,
-> Jesse checks with Erika whether she'd like to give an introduction and think with us how to go ahead with this.

NB conversation with Kanal for preacquisition of 5 assemblies for the next 5 years

Agency should propose its own series of reading rooms - this year's Jubilee's series could be a pilot project.

Ciel: each of us invites a guest? 1st RR could be a presentation of the library.

Clém: make visible the thematics of the library.

*Seasonal Neighbours -Received project funding 34k -Marseille residency not possible: require to be there 90% of the time - not possible for neither Max nor Ciel alone. Also not entirely necessary for the quality of project. -Could be interesting to look for another residency.

*Atlas of Ovens The Balcony: artist run space The Hague, invited AoO for an exhibiiton in June and Art Rotterdam fair (non commercial part) in March. In May: Viernulvier residency for Openbare Werken festival. Looking for different typologies of bread bakeries. Use part of the money (8k) as seed money for a publication.
Teaching: ULB, Lille - architecture departments.

Ronny: according to Danielle, the people of the festival could contact specific residents on your behalf.


+Muhka program Nav has become father of twins. Couldn't work on the programme - also no news on the dates.

+Iranian collective VH were invited in their 7-day online conference about archiving repressed practices. Their were 80 attendees that VH had never heard of and had very pertinent questions about Eavatea.

+Assessment Ghent +calendar 2025

*VH Kunst in opdracht Possibly 80 people attendiing. Not possible to do a walk with so many, so finding a way to split up.

*Finance and operations 2024
-Ronny & Jesse will prepare financial report for General Assembly. -How to account for 6%: invoice is more transparent, keep it in the books is more efficient. Let's try to keep it in the books. See with Van Reybouck how to account for this.

Date General Assembly 24 March (at La chose royale?) in the evening, following format of the last board meeting there. Starting in Ghent on 25/3.

Panel organised by Louise at KBR 6 March, afternoon

Not discussed: *Reading Room + screening Naked Lunch at Projection Room

*BARN memorandum 'Demands for the support of working spaces for artists in Brussels' (see attached)

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