Jubilee monthly meeting 22 November 2023 Kunsthal Ghent

Afternoon: monthly meeting, from 14h Agenda (proposals: please add yours): -News and updates -Detailing plan for the evening programme 22/11 -Collective direction: management of funds and time -Website: text and names on the home page & collective research page. Artists pages. See: https://jubilee-art.org/?rd_page=29-2/collective-research -Shards (new working name mapping tool) -Scenarios for Innoviris project funding (proposal Ronny, see mail) -Changes for VG project funding Shards (new DL 15 March) -Date meeting February (cfr mail Katya): possibly change? -To plan: Internal rules Jubilee (to be updated...see version from some years ago attached)


Evening: Jubilee 2.0, from 19h -Group presentation Jubilee's new organisational form: what, why, who, how -Collective research: Shards, Cooperative, Reading Rooms at & about Fred Dewey's book collection -Artist talks (2-5) around (part of) your practice, using/in dialogue with a title of choice from Fred Dewey's library. The goal is to bring attention to the library, to get to know each other's practices better and introduce them to audiences, and to anticipate the new cycle of Reading Rooms. "Performing the library through the practice, by performing the practice through the library." Of course, conversations would come out of this.

Get in touch with Hélène to visit the library in Forest in the meantime: +32 478 53 30 05‬

Fee for participation There will be a fee for participation

Meeting notes last meeiting: https://ethertoff.caveat.be/w/jubilee_meetings::2023_10_23.md


  1. To plan: Internal rules Jubilee (to be updated...see version from some years ago attached) Let's work on this by collectively reading. Legal obligation but also very healhy to make sure we're on the same page.

Vincent: now we are 13, very often people are not going to be there, so the pad is important to update. We should think about how we keep in touch in case of absence, and also how we can take decisions without everybody being present. We would need some procedures to deal with this

Ronny: we should find a protocol that is clear to everyone

  1. News and updates

Vincent: 1/writing an application for VAF impulspremie, development - The Storyteller (working title) about Walter Benjamin's exile in Ibiza (in 1932). Archival research in different countries connected with people he had relations with. (Vincent will live partly abroad as of June (Ibiza) 2/ Ambassade Universelle: application not succesful but a rpogram with students with Raphael Pirenne (ERG) & Mohammed (former inhabitant) will start soon. 3/ A project with Kanal, Antoine Wiertz and Auguste Blanqui, Franco-Belgian relationships. Reflection on the idea of the Kanal institution and the role of a museum (Wiertz museum/Kanla Museum). Benjamin was fascinated by Blanqui's astronomy thesis "L'éternité par els astres" ( in which we learn we all have avatars on other planets) Present global crisis - Benjamin can offer a critical toolbox to think dialectally our present in relation to the crisis of History, how not to fall into melancholy/nostalgia of a idealized past. Narrativity is needed in order to open possible routes and lively lines of flight. 4/ Olivier Pestiaux (artist and coordinator of a project on the river Sambre that wants to turn Sambre into a legal person (cfr. Parlement de la Loire), working groups active in the project (, legal, socioeconomic, cultural). A call for curators from the Rencontre d'Arles (20.000€), december 8 is the deadline. Could there be a support proposed by some people within Jubilee? Shards? Vincent doesn't think the application will be successful but Oilvier is well connected with politics, so something will probably happen later on. Vincent is a respondent and will possibly take a para-curatorial position in this project. he proposed Olivier to embark Gilles Saussier, a french photographer and prof ar the Ecole de photo in Arles. The answer to this call is postponed to 2024 but Olivier will introduce a Frart project with Saint-Luc. (Filip is working a project on a river in Vienna. V&H's interest in water. Water as a thematics in Jubilee? Ronny: for the Maori, giving legal status to a river isn't about politics or ecology, but about a fundamental change of considering our role on earth. Because we're not ready to relinquish our relation with the planet. 5/ Cuenca Biennale: funding is delayed and uncertain but Vincent will travel to Ecuador next week. on display : 20 portraits from fromer inhabitants of Universal Embassy (2001-2005), among whihc a family from Ecuador , the flag of Embassy, the declaration of Embassy in Spanish and some of his archival documents from his participation to this project he has co-funded in 2001 with sans papiers + Kobe, Tristan, and many other people. Max: 1/ Seasonal Neighbours book is in development, about trajectory since 2019. Focus on field work experience. Funding found (Bovenlokale, DeBuren Grensverleggers - 40k, 40 contributors). Doing interviews with different people. (Also with Fernando Gárcia Dory from INLAND https://inland.org/ ) Onomatopee is publishing it. Book launch at Onomatopee, but also looking for spaces in Belgium and internationally. 2/ Atlas of Ovens: invitation by Accatone to contribute for the Prix d'Architecture at Beaux Arts Paris. On heat in relation to the transformation of the Accattone https://accattone.be/ house in North East France. Thinking of an intervention at the house. 13 December opening in Paris. NB this was not in the newsletter. Important for the project, but also important for Jubilee. 3/ Mapping tool. The session in October was great: to finally work on it, after so much talking about it. 4/ SPEAP (science po école des arts politique https://www.sciencespo.fr/ecole-affaires-publiques/fr/master-arts-politiques): a) 3 projects/institutions in Marseille: Friche de belle de mai, ZEF, Le cité des arts dans la rue. Researching Social conditions in the local neighbourhoods, and effects of global heating for the city. How can we think of our presence in the city, in cohabitation with people who aren't interested in cultural programmes. b) Navire Avenir (huge catamaran to save people on the Mediterrenean. 27 million). Trying to find ways of documenting the process.

Clémentine: 1/ Teaching at La Cambre (studio assistant atelier céramique). MA students course for firing together. How to put everything together? In syllabus? 2/ Bouwmeester commission. 2 year trajectory, Meenen. Social housing reorganisation. Proposal to build fire pit in semi public garden, with building for tools. 3/ Want to spend more time in ceramic studio. 4/ Artist Status isn't a possibility because working at La Cambre. Perhaps the laws will (change) again after 1 January. PhD at La Cambre would also be thinkable.

Ronny & Katleen: 1/ April: presentation at Musée L (Louvain la Neuve university), retracing Reclus project, walks in Louvain la neuve & Brussels. Idea to work with students.
2/ Guy Gypens invited us to develop a walking programme for the opening of Kanal Pompidou, end of 2025. Propsoal outlining a number of walks inside and outside the museum building. Question of relating the walks to the museum collection Could be interesting for mapping tool. 2 years of development given by Kanal. Conventional cultural insittution: overhead costs are first, project budgets last. Cooperative: other way around. Propose to turn Kanal into a cooperative. Kanal annual budget: 35m. Actually 117 employees. Ref related to the mapping: Hampton....(walk from .. to Izmir)

Stijn: 1/ School of equals: wrote a letter and translated into Turkish. Went with a student who speaks Turkish. One feels that they really appreciated that. Although some don't really believe in change anymore. Organise Assemblee at LUCA, invite all teachers and directors, technical & admin staff. part 1: Very concrete goals. Try to address urgent issues through Assemblies, make visible the cleaning work. Ronny: a good test that should be applicable to others school. 2/ Showing fragments of Le Balai Liberé to open a wider discussion on working conditions. Another screening of Le Balai Liberé to students 2/ April : research seminars/exhibition on Maintenance, together with Hana Miletic 3/ 'Muizen' project with Eline, try to intervene with local organisation, connect people, reinitiate dynamics, implement democratic processes project van vlaams bouwmeester , middle-class village part of Mechelen (not a village anymore) participation process (architect and city planners, gathering 400 people) very different to work by being there, trying to understand, what are the "problems" are. People are very angry, questions very offensive ..."nbody listens to them" or "we were not invited" . S&E develop a script of gathering in the future in order to make another kind of speaking

he teaches about masculinity, students reproduce patterns only 2 or 3 male students came Reading Adrian Piper about KAnt, she reads and makes notes feminist decolonial theory

Writing further the PHD

Dec 8 Screening of PLOT, the opera with Pilote 6 years of work Tondelier research sketch Orphans of TAR and then the idea of an opera came (live regsitration)

Jesse: - working a lot with the brussels artist-run network: collective of artist run initiatives in Brussels and the periphery (co-initiated with Rob and Mariana from Level 5) 108 references of people and organizations newsletter / events hang out meetings (people of komplot, SB 34) to help thinking of what the network should do how to organize ? Newsletter :
Nadine asks why was the R&K show in the newsletter ? Misunderstanding. Shared agenda and website are projects for ABN + applying for funding for the website telegram group also exists. shared agenda would help + would imply a visibility + a MAP -interesting in view of elections - a visit Brussels application (50% so you need to come with 50%) Anderlecht and Brussels have a very good cultural dept. Next gathering: Radical house - relationship with local gvt : how to deal with gvt ? End january they are invited by the Anderlecht cultural gvt level 5 in Ganshoren (former elederly home) and moving to Gosset (former city.dev), next to Brass in van volxem. Beeldenstorm: 12 people fired, VGC cut their funding. Equipment for a non proft to take over. La Vallee is for sale by Smart also. HISK has offered his material to Geert if he finds a good space for them.

Articles on Emptor will be published in GLEAN (ex-Hart) on each assemblies of practice essays on each of the 4 questions to be published in a row

Louise Job interview at International Federation of Reproduction Rights. Policy assistant on copyrights - specifically on collective management organisations. Finished a text based on thesis (on collective authorship), could be sent to ALAI, a sort of competition for people writing on authors rights.

  1. Detailing plan for the evening programme 22/11

Going through past year Intro Jesse - Jubilee 2.0 (everybody introduces why they are part of Jubilee) - Caveat,Emptor, Cooperative idea - Reading room -Shards (moments around this tool in 2024 in Kunsthal)

reading room : Library as PRISM intro Filip - introducing the library of Dewey Vincent: introducing Walter Benjamin's Unpacking my library to introduce the Dewey library, the collection, the intellectual on the move needing hos books (Benajmin and Dewey), The relation bewteen Arendt (Dewey key figure) and Benjamin( Arendt's cousin) : a reading room withtout reading text but activiating relations,questioning Dewey's library in its origin (Berlin) and current state (intimacy/publicness,...) and most importantly the question of collective transmission through orality (cfr "The Storyteller", a famous essay by benjamin from 1936). Ronny&Katleen: selection of books: psychogéography, retracing it's history beyond situationistes - school of public life - Jesse: Summer School (de-schooling)

  1. Website

Text on the home page: "Jubilee is a platform for artistic research, run by a group of artists and other researchers"

Practices page ( https://jubilee-art.org/?rd_page=29-2/collective-research ): List of practices starting with collective research (= header) then practices (=header)

  1. Shards (New working name mapping tool)

Application to be finished by 15th of march Via innoviris also funding to testcase a project: Ronny looked at this together with Julie. Possible scenario's: looking at the mapping from the point of view of artist renumerations. looking at the mapping tool from the point of view of a collection. Focus innoviris: economic sustainability. After meeting, the call seems too detailled, complex and chances to get it are very small

Tool for 13 people ; no-go zone for Innoviris, scope too limited long stretch from there to their (economic) expectations

we will not let innoviris go Partnership dossier to other call : Co-Create : more simple, no deadline (Nadine, Ac, Jubilee) ; it could fit better maybe governance model for business : jury does not decide all, the internal team has an amplitude based on appreciation by the jury

extra meeting with AC reading julie's text paragraph by paragraph

relational aspects (between the various practices) to be visualized : AC will make 3 proposals as based on technical possibilities

  1. Collective direction: management of funds and time. Who will join the daily management?

Used to be a team meeting. Jesse feels than part of the team if not very isolated Debrief of Sept 15 : sort of collective mis-communication, mismanagement

Continuity needed in the way people are surroinded by expertise and context Daily management : about continuity on horizontal basis -> executive level -> one question : when no money, on what to spend the remaining money ? only on what will bring money in the future. Summer school was 5000 but no bringing money. Find a balance. Kunsthal is VAT so we loose 21%

It seems that no one can liberate time each week. Ronny: I would prioritize diligent presence during the Monthly Meetings d

  1. Dates upcoming monthly meetings

February (cfr mail Katya): possibly change? Katya leaves on 23 Feb. Wednesday 22 Feb? -> Jesse sends poll

- 20 December (exceptional), 
- 31 January, 
- 28 February, 
- 27 March, 
- 24 April, 
- 29 May, 
- 26 June