4 October 2022 weekly meeting Jesse, Ronny, Julie, Vincent

*books mihnea ronny contacts him to see if he wants his books back. for the moment they are in the banana boxes in the meyboom hallway.

*situation Overtoon / rent Meyboom/ Meyboom VZW Aernoudt & Christophe stop being employed by Overtoon end of the week. not clear who will be following the rent with Koramic for Meyboom. also Overtoon received 25.000 euros funding of VGC.

the VZW for Meyboom will be created formally as soon as possible! & take over the rental contract.

*budget Jubilee for meeting of thursday

*archival work what needs to stay in paper/digitised? the paper archive remains at Meyboom.

Caveat website (meeting last week with OSP) there are 3 options: - create a static version of the site that stays online (same server) +possibility to make a 'printed copie'

Jubilee needs to pay for server costs - is on OSP now cloud will be migrated to integrated ethertoff tool

-> Jesse checks with Gijs about Ronny's calendar through Caveat nextcloud.

*stuctural dossier VGC (deadline end october) what to include from VG dossier? investment from Jubilee in development (1,5 day) and meetings (1/month)? according to Jesse, it needs to be more focused (taking out development) - and highlighting Brussels connection (RR/tracks/7 walks/meyboom) Adding to last meeting's notes: visibility in Brussels is an important issue so a program would be needed: -V&H trajectory for BXL
-Tracks -> Jesse mails Justin to unfold the project with mirjam van imschoot -Reading Rooms
-BXL artist run network
+Vincent ideas? CIVA 2022-23, Pompidou 2024
+Emptor (until March 2023)
+Discursive program around labour (<-> exhibition Jesse 2024).
+Maastricht University: campus Brussels <-> PhD proposal V&H. Research group.

? Activities of associate artists?

ambition to cover 1,3 VTE
-> Ronny calls Karina Luyten 
-> Jesse reconstructs Brussels narrative for 3 year plan from VG structural dossier. 
BXL partners V&H: radical house, atelier cartographique - BARN: level five

*Lumbung forum Ronny had conversation with Anyuta NICC: Sunday 23/10 public moment in Brussels = dialogue with artists on what 'can we learn from Documenta 15?'

stella lohaus also plans this kind of exchange (ronny checks what she's planning)

collaboration with ERG - ronny gets in thouch if not, possible to do it at 'the kitchen'

jesse thinks it is too much linked to the anti-semitic debate vincent: that's not the perspective we want to take so why not do it there? ronny: the space is too 'loaded' - framing will define the evening jesse: we cannot ignore that debate when organising it there vincent: they can tackle the issue - we shouldn't ignore...

Vincent:what is the aim of this moment? what do we start from? jesse: we imagine a series of meetings in 'petit comité' to prepare and write something as starting point ronny: ERG is educational context - may be a more 'neutral' space to organise.

how do we organise these preparations? vincent: better to prepare in writing/reflection - meetings should be oranised in a second phase. what is the aim/ambition of the forum? who are the invitees? (local/international?) invitation of practices that fit 'lumbung' or highlighting 'jubilee' as that kind of practice...?

public forum = mainly moment for 'learning together' with those who were invited in/working with 'lumbung' invitees - Iswanto from ruangrupa - Reinaart vanhoe & partner - Mi you (cheesecoins) / INLAND Fernando Garcia Dory - Hans van houwelingen - Rodrigo? (as someone who didn't accept the 'lumbung' invitation) - Joachim Ben Yacoub / Olivier Marboeuf https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/8682199 - Marco Baravalle : Art for UBI (manifesto) - Institute of Radical Imagination co-writing/preparing - jesse recorded first discussions during documenta 15 (shares the recording) - vincent has some notes of debate moments + discussion ruangrupa KASK students: deducts some keywords/notions for the artist meeting - katleen does the same.... proposal for meeting 12/10

*funding european funding/ summer school? Culture Moves Europe Forwarded by Justin, traveling funding for Summer School? https://culture.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/creative-europe-culture-strand/culture-moves-europe-mobility-for-artists-and-professionals

january 2023 - call for residency action

R&K are thinking about writing a dossier for 'bovenlokaal' developing a project for the 'zwalm'

*meeting Apass - Jubilee Apass' next block works on forms of commoning organising 'dinner' with several collectives / Martina Petrovic - meeting Jesse & Ronny idea to involve Clementine for preparing the dinner part 27 october - RR in radical house, after there will be dinner