Jubilee Artist Meeting 5 July 2021

Present: Justin, Jesse Excused: Vincent, Julie, Ronny, Katleen, Eleni, Jeanne

Agenda: -Space -SOTA workshop/research on Artist-run spaces -Caveat Reading Room #15 -TRACKS presentation -Nina/stagiair comm

Meeting notes


Hacktiris has to be left 19 september.

Meyboom quite possibly new location for some of us, thanks to "Architecture Workroom Brussels" + their affiliated 'independent/private' architects from the first floor who propose pay a bit more so 'we' can pay a bit less. Request from Overtoon: For the organisations (Overtoon, Jubilee, OSP) to pay more than the individual artists in order to make the rental price affordable for the collective. OSP doesn't have funding. Jubilee may only have funding until December 2022. 3 year contract plus annual extension. 850 m2 in total (casco). There is one open floor which needs to be divided physically. Current price discussed: 75€ per sqaure meter per month. We understood that there is already €20,- for heating, electricity and internet etc inside the €75,- but there could be more and this is still something that we have to see on the final contract. It will be more easy to follow the cost development.

Koramic is the company in charge of the site.

See here for many details, in report of weekly meeting (Mondays 12:30h): https://pads.domainepublic.net/p/2Wn9EBelP_T-xG0iBYZS

Overtoon has received an invoice for 45.000 euros from Entrakt (also to AWB earlier this yesar). with costs not properly specialised. There is a lawsuit filed against AWB, Overtoon expects the same to happen. Overtoon has a lawyer.
2 working groups have been set up: - organisational structure and division of space at Meyboom - financial & legal situation for current space - Jesse invited Ronny & Julie (both busy now).

Jubilee will only take part if Gallait doesn't happen. And we have to think about the funding situation. We still have 12000 from the VGC which MIGHT continue. So we should discuss whether and if yes in what conditions we would come along.

-> Jesse checks whether RAB-BKO are still interested in renting space - might be able to contribute to differentiated rental price?

SOTA workshop/research on Artist-run spaces

Objective was to map artist-run spaces / other kinds of collective structures, their models and organisational set ups. Also to share their tools. The survey will now be fine-tuned after feedback. Brainstorming about tools was very fruitful.

Evening programmes with a discursive / "brainstorming" part and artistic programmes as well (to encourage people to attend) in collaboration with other sector organisations (SOTA, RAB-BKO, Engagement Arts, etc) artists organisations (Level 5, August Orts, Messidor, etc but also orgs that are a bit further from our 'inner circles' - nadine, Hectolitre, SB34/The Pool, KAK, etc).

Jesse will forward the report.

Caveat Reading Room #15 By Clémentine, July 26th at Heike Langsdorf's place. Ronny will be present for Caveat. OSP will continue working on the image generator/mapping tool.

TRACKS No news from Echoes about contract. Justin will follow up with Michiel. Becomes hyper urgent. Presentation: Justin will be back from holiday somewhere in September, but not sure when. Weekend of 11, 18, 25 September? Second weekend of October - residency at Q-O2 with BMB con and Laetitia Gendre. First of 4 weeks spread over the year. Because of delays & Justin's holiday Jesse proposed to Flemish Community to use CAP in September (normally not allowed) - will specify 25 + 26 September as a request. which is also safer in terms of app development delays.

From other organisations it seems difficult to postpone, but we will try. And what do we need / want to spend money on if we don't have subsidy. Maybe we should do it in any case - if need be with a Jubilee budget. We need to have more collective projects and this fits really well.

Nina/stagiair comm Nina is very occupied with Harlan's gallery and it's not working very well for Jubilee communication. Jesse proposed to find someone else. Nina said she would like to continue and take more responsibility for the schedules etc. But when the summer newsletter needed to happen she didn't have time... So Jesse thinks we need to recruit an intern for communication - expansion of the website to include collaborations with other artists etc. interviews, etc. - A major upgrade could concentrate on the research projects themselves rather than being a list of outcomes - Jubilee & Caveat Instagram accounts. In longer term we could hire the intern if it works out well. Nina could continue for the moment and then get involved with training / editing the communication.

JB New Babylon Justin got quite some future participants already, including students who could program the website. Website could become a bridge between non-sound based project content and sound-based content that will be available through Echoes (and possibly in the future through Tracks).
Presentation in the Hague possibly weekend of 18 September.