Jubilee artist meeting 18 March 2021

Agenda: -Comments notes last meeting? (see attached) -Future space & community Hacktiris -General assembly: board president, internal regulations, report 2020 -Tracks soundwalk app -SOTA Almanac -Caveat/Emptor -VG Report 2020 (DL 31/3) -VH Summer school -EK update

Board president board members - "freshness instead of experience" - Vincent Jesse: but for president it really needs to be someone more experienced Loes Jacobs (nadine vzw) Zeynep?

Ronny - presidency can evolve. It is no longer an obligation to have President / Secretary / Treasurer roles why don't we consider the ONE artist in the board as the president? For Vincent, it might not be able to combine this with daily operations.

Vincent - some other board members might feel "gepasseeerd". It could be a rotating position.

Katleen could be an option - although she is worried about combining artist status with this (and that V/H would be too dominant? - seen from the outside)

Board should retain a controlling function in regard to finance, etc.

Ronny: artistic director = spokesperson for the collective artistic direction

Proposition - that Justin or Eleni take up a position within the Quattro meetings. Could be for one year. e need structure and rhythm.

Vincent: - or Eleni or Justin become president? It's less demanding but it's still a responsibility.

Zeynep as a member - but anyway board have hierarchy anymore - formally speaking.

Vincent: German/Swiss model of art & research platform (transdisciplinary )

How to apply to individual artists trajectory? centering the focus around one artist per year ?

Jesse: what do we expect from the board members (if roles disappear)? Katrien has a relevant political presence - but has many similar positions.

jasper: vincent proposed a research together with Julie about copyright / licensing Jesse - talks about the expanded network - that doesn't necesarily have to consist of artists. (role of Julie and Jasper) - develop a licence that specifically deals with artistic use of (private) archives. But Jasper should come with a proposal.

V: how to visualise our networks - > assess 5 years

Ronny: current decree : distribution money to artists if we focus research platform-> problem.

the artist is the key to the money.

supporting one artist per year would be problematic politically.

V_ but it's about focus (rather than concentrating the funding)

Jasper - we keep imagining things for him but it never works out. what does he do and what could be relevant for us? - KASK - curriculum development - the educational side is something that we miss.

we could discuss with Jasper if he has leverage to find resources for specific research of different (younger) artists. - Jubilee could offer tutoring etc.

Jasper is invisible - Jubilee was supposed to support 5 artists.

Jesse: new application - we will be assessed on our trajectory and the proposal including the collective research. artistic trajectories

Future space. time before end of august. overtoon found space - 2 floors. it is not as flexible as hacktiris. Meiboom JLL also used by GP's, language school. more office type space. there is disagreement within community about this. Charlene (new overtoon admin) doesn't have such a contact with the community.

are we going to take the risk not to say "yes" ? - we will not be as free to make it into something interesting (open to public for instance). Jesse thinks we should leave this open. Overtoon don't really want to take the leading role.

Meiboom is part of regeneration around Congres. the next 4 years will be full of dust!

if we had the entire building then it could be interesting to do.

another possibility is Circularium, in anderlecht. based around the circular economy. probably the whole actiris community has less chance there.

Beguinage. open call for a "developer" for 3 years. it will become old peoples homes.

Zonneklopper (?) was squatted to accomodate refugees. the organisation made a proposal for the development of the entire site. could be interesting to look at again.

  • 2000 m2 as a point of departure.
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