Jesse, Ronny, Julie

* Board meeting
  • on associate artists unclear how to continue these collaborations:
  • how to offer space for 'practices' that are not necessarily considered as 'visual art' / in between architecture and art, ceramics and art? (e.g. justin, max&ciel, clementine but also tools as Tracks)

Is this a 'coming together of practices' in terms of structural support (in terms of financial follow-up, communication) OR/AND in function of a certain 'agenda', a willingness to bring questions, issues,... to another level.

Ronny: very simple - every project brought into jubilee depends of the individual artist bringing it in - he/she is responsible for getting the work done. But there is a need to re-write 'ways of functioning' together with associates if they become part of the organisation. Informality is not enough - what is the value of the organisation is how you succeed in realising things. Also learning together/circulating knowledge remains important element. The situation is comparable to the moment Jubilee was created. Jubilee as structure is not necessarily what is the outcome of these exchanges. // 'collectivity' is also part of R&K's possible Phd - e.g. how can a 'duo' receive status of doctor?

  • on VGC dossier agreement to write for one year countering the VG negative decision in intro unwinding - rewinding: individual trajectories are successfull. how to continue collectively supporting this? VGC funding (max.15.000) is for: - sustaining basic support (financial follow-up, communication, meetings): keeping Jesse on board - guiding transition (how to include associates more in the organisation) * start from 'tabula rasa' >> don't fill it in, in the dossier/ only defining the framework for a dialogue. evolution towards >

    • sustainable financial model through differentiating output differentiating output (exhibitions/research/AV/situated practice)? what dynamics do these kind of constellations create?

    • on continuing Jubilee as production structure VM wants to continue producing AV with Jubilee. Geneviève could possibly work with Jubilee - the 'costs' for covering this production work need to be inscribed in project dossiers & there needs to be someone who can do this work. (Jesse? - would prefer to continue working as 'coordinator' not necessarily covering AV production work)

      • VGC dossier Jesse writes first draft. what is needed to start this? in terms of budget: summer school, impulspremie, learning through the soles of the feet, BARN, CIVA, Emptor. Ronny made an estimation of structural costs.
    • documenta 15 reflection separate discussion than discussion about the structural organisation of Jubilee. is there a need for a text? before or after the public forum lumbung? maybe a briefing for this moment can be a starting point and the writing of a text can be a follow-up of this. we should find someone who writes a piece then! Steyn?

    • emptor -steyn doesn't want to write articles for HART anymore/ he doesn't have time to do this/ HART took a long time responding and his agenda is full

      check out with steyn if he's still interested in writing within the framework of EMPTOR and what? 4 texts in dialogue with artists or conclusive text as in CAVEAT - the function of steyn's contribution should be more about 'elaboreren' / reflection on 'property' from within their perspective (jesse checks with steyn tomorrow - julie checks with tobias what is possible) Claura is re-reading the text on Buren...sara asks for the text on sieglaub to be published/ this should then be translated: 1900 euros on EMPTOR budget - Jesse & Julie questions if this is necessary - what is the urgency - why not publish in French? check out with HART what is possible? could Jesse write the texts? his proposal is not to focus the articles on the assemblies but to go into the questions with artists engaged... contextualisering! -hanne & raphaël/ writing of summary in English to be published on the caveat website - a short version could be published in rekto-verso.

  • ronny will make a financial overview of Emptor after VAT Q3