Birdmap (working title)

also a map of trees, of mycelium, of people, of history, ecology, changing biodiversity, land use / ownership... ?

audio recordings of (inside) trees and other vegetation, of birdsong, of the surroundings. Stories.

Form: Audio walk, possibly using Tracks app for "diffusion" - because of the privacy of the inhabitants it would be better if it's not a permanent work but activated with e.g. a guided walk. Eavatea could be also a good platform to collect the information. Or it could equally result in a radio piece, live performance, etc...

references: Vinciane Despret "Living as a Bird"

practical deadlines

15 March (vgc?) kunstproject

Stroom Den Haag deadlines: probably the Onderzoek / research grant would be the best to apply for: PRO Kunstprojecten 9 feb | 11 mei | 17 aug | 9 nov PRO Onderzoek 9 feb | 11 mei | 9 nov