
Jubilee meeting 11/12/2024

Present: Ronny, Katleen, Vincent, Justin, Louise, Stijn, Max, Jesse

Agenda: -Planning & availabilities -MHKA Programma -Communication of public events

Planning 16/12, 15h: Visit Sturm & Lie archive visits (7 people joining) 21/1 Eavatea feedback session - introduction of the tool to a number of legal researchers - in preparation of the second residency at Kunsthal in March. Session would take place in the morning + lunch at Agency

MHKA Programme See: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dk35ny53ga7s4kxujtuy7/20241207_ProgramMHKA_E.doc?rlkey=wgf8o2k7j0qgughhr6zy9mnp6&dl=0

Date conflict with Antwerp Art Week: should overlap, at the moment they don't. There may be a shift in dates, not confirmed yet. But Ronny prefers not to extend into July.

Programme: 20 & 21 June 27 & 28 June

Justin available only first weekend

(Samira is organising an onliner 3 day programme about archiving of underground practices)

Exhibition/presentation Wall projection of Eavatea? Some kind of introduction/operation manual is needed. Max and Vincent imagine something that reaches out.

Jesse suggests that some of the elements from an ephemeral practice be used in the exhibition - to show this outside the tool - on the wall for instance (?) Show what this tool can do in making a narrative through a practice. -

(discussion about what is interesting for a more general audience.)

  • Katleen - there are already a lot of connections between materials in the tool - show them alongside each other.

Max - relates to the idea of the digital versus the physical collective mapping practice.

Vincent - I wouldn't go into the individual practices. - thinking with the tool.

quotes from the Techniques text used in a collage of development sketches etc.

  • possibility to make caramel and shards on opening night

Max - Tupaia map as metaphor - making a link.

Ronny - it would be good if people could take something with them - a text that is too long to read in the exhibition for instance.

Vincent - the collage / wallpaper could be used to draw or write on to create a changing ongoing mapping.

Jesse - think about the use of the name Eavatea - and the possibility of people to seeing it as cultural appropriation. (Eavatea = goddess of light) and it is the point (high noon) where the different world views met. Preventively write somethign that opens up the possible critique in a relevant way - connecting two paradigms. Ronny - this will be the first word in the glossary - of terms that have to be defined.

Performance programme During the previous phases of the programme, all Jubilee artists had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with Eavatea. If they chose to do so, they can use EAVATEA to develop their own form of countermapping from within their own practice. The public presentations of these proposals will take place in / around / outside MHKA. They can activate objects, documents, images and sounds that are included in the ongoing presentations. The idea is to test out the potential of EAVATEA as a new mode of artistic experimentation / production. A modest production budget is available for that - to be discussed.

Discursive programme

The 'federating' part needed renaminig because Nav had problems with it. Ronny proposes 'cooperative'

Apparently, 'counter-mapping' as a term is also used in neoliberal discourses


Jesse about lack of outreach in communication of our public moments - which are so high quality that they merit much more public attention. Mea culpa. Very important to start the conversation with partner institutions early, to synchronize comm (incl coll IG posts), and to make them personally invite relevant other organisations and people.

Vincent: I knew few people were coming, so my ambitions with my presentation weren't so high

Ronny: Institutions do way too little

Jesse: scheduled & dedicated meetings like we have with MHKA are very important, we should do this also with smaller instittuions, and announce & dedicate some time of that meeting to how to reach out to relevant people & organisations we can all think of