
Jubilee meeting 27 March

Present: Ciel, Katya, Katleen, Vincent, Max, Louise, Ronny, Jesse
Excused: Justin, Clémentine, Stijn, Filip, Hélène

Time-keeping meeting: Max

Agenda: -Update on Eavatea - 30 min -Planning & agenda 2024 on basis of project proposal Archipelago of Artistic Practices - 30 min -Decision-making procedure Jubilee - 10 min -How to email: when everyone in CC, when to start a new email? -10 min -Calendar and meeting reports: store somewhere centralized -10 min -2023 accounts + report VGC - 30 min

Since we will be too few for the General Assembly this evening, we propose to declare this afternoon's meeting the General Assembly - except for the formal part of the acquittance of the Board (which needs to happen after the Board meeting).

-Update on Eavatea - 30 min

Committee members received the applications today. eavatea.jubilee-art.org doesn't work on Jesse's computer yet, on Katleen's it does. AC have a 'work in progress' version, launch on 2 April (date of a meeting when AC when the actual version will be decided on).

Ciel & Max outline the architecture of the tool/website with a set of diagrams. Ciel & Max & Clémentine uploaded a lot these days.

Some things need to be cleaned up a little bit more in the back-end interface.

Testing period: technical issues. Often have to do with the content. For instance, now a shard can only contain one file - a series of images should be one shard but this isn't possible now.

Through uploading and activations, we'll gradually be able to improve the tool. Also because people who will be part of the programme. AC have 16k in the funding budget.

There's also a 'mapping' practice, where questions and process can be shared and discussed around Eavatea itself.

There is a list of contributors, with links.

Search function?

Design: the legenda marks are greyish and difficult to discern now, but they'll look at it. Maybe colors.

Ask to AC to have a conversation about the style/aesthetic, give them input? Could style/aesthetic be adapted by users - interesting when other collecitves will start using their version of the tool?

Archive <-> Mapping: how to visualize passing of time? Timeline? 3 dimensional? Let’s not fall back in the Western conventions of the map

Publication, but also narration: live element

-Planning & agenda 2024 on basis of project proposal Archipelago of Artistic Practices - 30 min

Proposal Ronny: 1-7 July: Kunsthal Ghent, basically Summer School 2024 Thursday & Friday evenings: public programmes. 4/7: Live Conversation nadine. Introducing Eavatea for the first time. -> Ronny asks nadine to update nadine's format for the occasion: also video stream, not only audio? Followed by Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll who worked on Tupaia.
5/7: Participative programme on countermapping and code-shifting. (In afternoon: working with AC on material gathered during visits.)

Moments with Nadine integrated in the Kunsthal & MHKA programmes: 2 in 2024 and 2 in 2025.

Some people cannot be there in July.
Before July: working sessions? 24 April: during artist meeting: Presentation on Eavatea by involved artists. Questions: How to think the connected practices of Emptor in the framework of Eavatea? Maybe limit ourselves to few elem few practices that we part of Emptor. 29 May: during artist meeting: Uploading Emptor with AC. -> Ronny asks AC if they're available then.

A weekend in September: Casco

Late October or late November: Kunsthal Ghent

Heuristic element of the tool: how do we learn what we learn? How does it allow us to learn to make maps differently: extremely interesting 'selling point'. Eavatea is an experiment that shows how Jubilee is at the front of artistic research, transversal with lawyers and scientists.

3 level per residency: -Development of the tool -Residency, visit -Publicness

Maybe instead of trying to be together all the time, make working groups around different elements. (Parts of programme (like Louise and Julie for present programme, also during Summer School programme parts were divided), but also design, editing, ... There will be many more occasions when we don't immediately agree (like the title). Maybe just asking: who wants to have a say in this element?


Structuring ways of working together: -Test out, for instance putting 3 different gestures together (size, collectiveness), experiment with methodologies -Trying out different modes of working together

But guests have to be invited & organised in advanced.

20-22 September (?) Casco weekend camp with some of our practices and their peers

October/November: One week residency Kunsthal. November 18-23? 25-1/12? -> Ronny/Jesse check with Danielle, then do a date poll.

-Decision-making procedure Jubilee, How to email, Calendar and meeting reports: store somewhere centralized

Decision making: procedure? More transparency seems needed. A vote isn't per se necessary. Consent or consensus?

Discuss more

Abundance of emails, Ideas: -do not 'reply to all' when just confirming a meeting. -address someone in the first line when they need to answer -use polls to decide on dates -use pads for a proposal rather than mails, then discuss during monthly meeting

Ask whether someone wants to be involved in what.

Next meeting: propose a division in working groups for the tool and the programme? Design, edit, communities, heuristic/meta/research dimensions of the tool? -> Present the tool and propose working groups

Work in pairs

Collective calendar -> Jesse restores Caveat Nextcloud and activates logins. Also for Ethertoff.