
Jubilee Monthly Meeting

20 December 2023

Present: Clémentine, Katya, Vincent, Justin, Katleen, Max, Louise, Stijn, Ronny, Jesse, Filip Collective notes will be edited by: Max

Daily management

Daily management includes all the daily tasks that we need to take care of to be in order legally and be visible as a body (admin and comm) Proposal Ronny: Jesse & Ronny meet 2 times a month? Every 2 weeks? (outside of the artist meetings) Every monthly artist meeting there will be 2 points related to the daily management: an overview of what has happened in Daily Management, and a preview of what needs to be done in Daily Management.

Question: How to work without the VGC funding (probably we will now around march if we get the money) - in case that doesn't come through? Ronny: If any artist needs assistance, this could be done through individual contracts with Jesse. Could still allow for outsourcing certain tasks to others (incl possible financial compensation?). Jesse: if we don't get VGC money, could we continue like that? Ronny still needs to write a report for the board, and this could include this proposal - it needs to be formalised.

To prepare the artist meetings, information to discuss during the meeting will be send upfront so everyone can go through the necessary info


This could be done every 2 months, instead of monthly. Short-term things can be done via social media. The newsletter needs to be connected to the website. Katleen: it's easier if we have a format for sending in texts. TO FOLLOW UP (Jesse)>Jesse proposes a format for this

Round of updates

Vermeir & Heiremans - 2 February screening of 2 old films about Pierre Querut 'Cadavre Exquis' at Cinema Nova . Nova has started a co-op to buy the building. You can buy shares until end of March. Programmes around cooperatives and old cinemas.
TO FOLLOW UP (Jesse) >Shall we buy a Jubilee share in Supernova Coop? Jesse looks up modalities.

-Show at Musée L, Louvain La Neuve, probably in April.

  • Agency managed to get into the King Baudouin foundation. If anyone donates before the end of the month, it's tax deductible for income 2023.

Stijn - 12 & 13 Jan: Symposium about Collective Energy in Dunkirk. Workshop on situating the self in a collective practice. - Did the Assembly with the cleaning staff of LUCA last week. Small but concrete things to do and change. - Muizen: research & interventions ongoing. Public moment in June. TO FOLLOW UP (Daily Management) > Question whether their volunteers could be insured through Jubilee. Problem is that all ID details need to be communicated to the accountant. This can be a lot of work, and it will incur accountants cost. If we can organise it properly so that the accountants do not have much work then it should be ok.

Louise Articles to be published: 1 will be published on the Jubilee/Caveat website, 2 are under peer review (for later and not 100% sure). 26/1 - 13/2 off to Malaysia & Thailand.

Max - Accatone collective (with Max, Clem & Ciel among others) won a prize. prix de l'architecture de l'académie des Beaux Arts de Paris: biennial Prize of Architecture. - Working on a book on Seasonal Neighbours, published by Onomatopee. Looking for context of the launch (Z33, Borgloon, Inland Madrid). International travel grants from Kunstendecreet need to be asked for at the latest 2 months in advance.

Justin - BMB con wrote a new 4 year application for Mondrian Fund. Answer in February - Lectorate research (reactivation of audio works relevant for Shards & Tracks). Putting older pieces into Tracks, English version. Maybe present it at Rewire Festival Den Haag April. - Sounding Urban Places: European research with Renate Zentschnig and 5 people from university Sweden. Looking at possible role of art in sustainable urban development, specifically sound. Project with students on cartography of sound, or sound as a cartography tool.

Katleen mentions that it's good to keep in mind that projects that are possible contributions for the mapping tool application have to start after september 2024

Vincent - Cuenca was interesting, meeting good artists from Latin America. Seeing former inhabitants of the Universal Embassy again after 20 years. - First meeting with ERG (Raphaël Pirenne) students to work on the archive of the Universal Embassy (small course), also together with Pap, a Senegalese documenting VSP struggle (Voix des Sans Paiers archive). Pap is from Liège. Feruary visit of the archive in namur with the students and Pap.

Katya - Becoming co-owner of PAF (performing arts forum), part of managing team. Legally an SCI Societé Civile Immobilière, not a cooperative. - Member of Level Five in order to have a studio - Member of Commission du travail des arts - Rite of Spring: project application for FrART under way (together with Arba/Esa), still looking for a partnership with a music school (Conservatoire de Bxl, Mons). It's difficult to get it touch with students. The music schools are also not experienced with these applications. This application is only for research - there can be no mention of production. Katya thinks of organising this in a number of short residencies (with students). Ronny: many of the production houses - Buda, Kunsthal etc. will facilitate research residences. Max: art schools could be framed as places of residency. - Wonders whether it would be an idea to apply with the same project (Rite of Spring) at Kunstendecreet 15 March. VH did this, applying twice but not mentioning the other - but then received both and had to rewrite projects & budgets. You have to think about this when making the budgets because you cannot "spend the same money twice". - Ishtar drone project

Clémentine - Happy about prize with Ciel & Max. Accatone: house as an editorial principle. (In France, close to Belgian border Charleville Mézières) Proposed a heated device with printed tiles. Exhibition, and small financial award to Accatone
- Teaching La Cambre combining with ULB - intending to spend more time doing ceramics - Atlas of Ovens: MOT is still very enthusiastic, CIVA is still quite cold. Vincent tried - Planning a research grant Kunstendecreet 15/3

Filip - Applied for project Kunstendecreet for book Hopper & Fuchs - With Helene festival Austria May-September. Activation summer solstice June. In production
- Going to Fred Dewey appartment LA in May. Hope to meet Simone Forti and others of Fred Dewey Legacy Project. - Invited by commission Brusselse Gewestelijke Huisvestingsmaatschappij (BGHM, a bit like Vlaamse Bouwmeester, not related) to sending proposal in March. For tuinwijk Drie Linden. Projects have to fit into their themes: Social, Artistic and architectural. Rik Wouters and anarchists used to live around there a hundred years ago.

Jesse - invited to apply to kunstwerker commissie. Not selected but Katrien was. - Jesse will apply for artist statuut (independant complementaire) - After January (age - unemployment depending on age?-> to check 156 days - short contract- different employers- workshop FAP ) - Wrote a collective text for Meyboom on spatial justice for artistic development & production - Will write a collective statement with brussels artist-run network) - preparation for the election / contributiuon to the policy statement with RBAKO -freelance translator -Tracer (end Kunsthal Mainz -> with S.Balohi + Lotte Arndt) 26-27 january

-The Balcony (Den Haag)- invitation for Atlas of Ovens arrived today (follow up by Clem, Max, Ciel)

TO FOLLOW UP (Collectively) > Ana Rispoli: question about Palestine. discuting action to put pressure on gov. bodies.


Working title:

Vincent says "Eclat" means both shards and shine Archipelago - Vincent thinks maybe it's a little too hip. And maybe it has become too much of container word Katleen proposed "Avatea" from Tupaia. Highest point of the Sun in the sky (at noon). Used by Tupaia to link Mercator and Tupaia, mapping and counter mapping coming toghether;

Other possible name for the tool : Shandy ? (translation of Panaché ) -> référence au panaché (a mix of different things) et au livre visionnaire de Sterne : the life and opinions of Tristam Shandy.

  • Definition of Panaché : a composition of various elements (Panacher = Composer d'éléments divers et variés) https://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/panach%C3%A9//1

  • Sterne's novel is also well know for incoprorating "thought maps" ! https://www.laurencesternetrust.org.uk/collection-highlights/tristram-shandys-lines-of-narrative-by-felix-bennett/

Interference of maps and narrative during the early modern period (including Shandy) is explained here https://wiki.uiowa.edu/display/2403033/03%3A+The+Interface+of+Novels+and+Maps (link is dead)

There is also references to the Belgian city battle and citadelle of Namur (the uncle of Shandy is a a fan of army architecture) https://www.meisterdrucke.fr/fine-art-prints/Unbekannt/1206572/Le-si%C3%A8ge-de-Namur-par-le-capitaine-Shandy-et-le-caporal-Trim-Tristram-Shandy%2C-1800-20..html

on Sterne https://www.babelio.com/livres/Sterne-La-vie-et-les-opinions-de-Tristram-Shandy-gentilho/4613 https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/les-archives-de-l-ete/la-folle-inventivite-de-laurence-sterne-et-de-tristram-shandy-1733541

Mapping application (Deadline 15th of march)

Katleen: introduction can be shorter.

Project descriptions TO FOLLOW UP (Everyone) >For next meeting! Before January 10: Everybody look at their own project. Update in function of calendar: only projects that start after September can be included. Less focus on project itself, more on the way it will make use of the mapping tool. Starting point: "Think of what you would do with the tool in the framework of the project mentioned (cfr. a side program to an exhibition in which the tool is activated)." This also provides the possibility to apply for funding for individual projects, seperately from this application. Otherwise it could be seen as asking money twice for the same project.

Communication This is not yet detailed enough. Two main important components: 1)publiekswerving - communication about the programme, how to attract an audience and what kind of audience? And how to address specific audiences? 2)publiekswerking - what you do with the public. Should announce how it's different from an ordinary website.

Presentation (half of it is about communicating to an audience) Max: the question of the audience could be addressed in each project description (because they will be different).

Program - Ronny: ideally we should reverse the program of the application - the program needs to be defined from the tool - if everyone says what we want to DO with the mapping tool, and these are organised into chapters, then we can have chapters which refer to the different practices. - How do you choose your partners ? Explicate their role in audience reach & interaction (For example -> Kunsthal/muhka / ABY (current confirmed partners) -> attract different audiences, we need to be specific about these differences) Be concrete in preparation with partners - do we want e-flux announcement? etc (in function of the audiences we would like to attract to these events)

Vincent: At the moment not everyone is aware of the conversations with the Muhka, Kunsthal,... about the collective dimension. At the same time there is a gap between the people that have been working on the tool and the people that contribute to the application that haven't. How do we deal with this? Ronny: AC is working on a simplification of the current tool and a manual/workshop to introduce the workings and functioning of the tool to introduce it to the others. Katya: a model text about the way projects use the tool would be really welcome
TO FOLLOW UP (Daily Management) > come up with some examples

Max: Let's use next meeting to brainstorm how we imagine the different collective presentations (which are also part of the program for example at Muhka and Kunsthal). Clementine: Important to prepare in a more generous way towards an audience than we dit in Kunstal in november.


-Texts website (Homepage, About, Practices) have been updated. Note: simplification of URLs has been done :))

Fred Dewey Reading Rooms 2024

Included in the Newsletter every 2 months (jan /february)

Should we combine these with the Artist Meeting? Clementine says that it would be difficult in terms of energy. What time / day works best? Fridays we used to do it, but people have too much to do in the weekend. Suggestion: Tuesdays. January 16 or 23? - but we need to make a doodle.

TO FOLLOW UP (Jesse) > Jesse will propose dates

What is going to be the title of this series?

Could be combined with a simple meal. 6-8 PM followed by soup & a drink?

January: Filip (School of public life by Fred Dewey) February: Clémentine: Rancière (la leçon des poètes in le Maitre ignorant) and/or John Dewey March: Max April: Vincent May: Atlas of Ovens - Kropotikin June: Louise September: R&K October: Katya November: Justin December: Jesse

Other possible Reading Rooms: Fournil (politics of bread- at the Founril) + Kropotkin?. Alain form le Fournil also take care of the network of ovens in Brussels . We could do this at a different oven. New one in Evere . Bread museum in Evere (former mill)

Proposal Vincent: Frame the reading rooms in a larger framework of the library and make an agenda public till the summer to attract a larger audience. But also question for Filip : in what way will the Dewey library be activated with the residency facility ? It could also offer some possibilities for reading rooms / discussions.


Plan for updates coming year - (Justin) Justin found funding of which a part could go to Tracks' updates. Probably through Soundtrack City. Would need to be spend before December 2024. list of things to be changed exists - all the bugs for ex.

Hoiw could Track could be used to co-create ? TO FOLLOW UP (Justin?) >Plan meeting to discuss with other partners

Ask Echoes to do it ? (add link or elaboration on Echoes) Possible money to do this and fix problemes that parnters have been complaining.
But other partners should contribute. Soundtrack City should keep it, and discuss with others what the contribution should be.
- Q-O2 has put new stuff (akio suzuki, soundless piece guiding people - A piece he made 10 years ago) - Soundtrack City has put almost all their existing works (they own the rights) - Beurs is not so active Justin is using it to reimagine existing works Also Justin has had some artists asking if it is possible to use Tracks to publish works. - BNA-BBOT & Overtoon do not seem to be using it at the moment, but Overtoon might reactivate when Bill Dietz is properly there.

Question Ivana

Proposal to do the January meeting at Bierbais. The summer school day was interesting but the organisation and collaboration were problematic. Maybe a Retreat meeting? Ivana proposed to Katya the possibility of a residency. Artist meeting is something between us, but the residency invitation could be interesting for some of us.

Texts Steyn & Louise Julie Van Elslande is reading Louise's text. Steyn's text is ready as far as Ronny is concerned. TO FOLLOW UP (Jesse) > Jesse reads Steyn

Julie routinely struggles with the formailzation of her role as a legal advisor. She received her craft research grant. Note: Netwerk Aalst used to be a passementerie

Collective direction: tasks, time, money for upcoming weeks/months

Proposal Daily Management has been accepted. Newsletter: let's try once every 2 months.

War Palestine

Should we take a position as Jubilee ? At this stage, personal positions make more sense but no a problem to discuss a position by Jubilee if there was a common text circulating with whihc we could agree.

It seems that OKO should be the one to position the sector but most probably will not do anything.

Question Katya

Soon launching a Vzw to support her own practice. Looking for 1 or 2 board members. You need to be on the board of your own vzw ? but if - board members have an artist status, this needs to be formalized with ONEM. (To check: Project subisdy can only be asked by an artist, but you can ask to be put on the account on the vzw - is this also true is the vzw isn't structurally funded by Kunstendecreet)

TO FOLLOW UP (Ronny)>There may be a one year structural funding possiblilty through Kunstendecreet. Ronny checks with Anyuta who's vzw is in Ghent and receives this according to Katya.

Dates upcoming monthly meetings - 31 January, - 28 February, - 27 March, - 24 April, - 29 May, - 26 June