
Jubilee daily management Meeting 24 August 2021

Present: Excused:

Agenda: -JUM technical dossier VAF -Statuten -Dirk De Wit -Watou -Dossier Kunstendecreet -Kiosk -SOTA -Emptor -Spa -Ychaï -Clémentine -Verlenging doorbraaktraject VM

Watou Ronny called, person in charge of contracts is still in congé. 3600€ incl VAT.
Re-negotiating is not an option. Vincent will send his invoice excl. VAT and see what happens. Jubilee made one invoice for Emilie, Diane &... incl. VAT - this way Jubilee won't lose. 6600 in total - in their mail they don't mention TVA and Vincent sended

Spa Jeanne created vector version of map, becomes a 2x2m print on textile-vinyl. IKOP museum voor hedendaagse kunst in Eupen. Director: Francis Feidler.

Orphans 10-11 sept Ciap 12 Christoph Rausch perhaps 13-15 Apass 15 (evening) - 17 (=full) Jubilee 13 & 14 or 18 & 19?

Doorbraakproject Ronny called Peter Hinoul, is still absent. Vincent wants to travel to US but not sure if it will be possible.

Clémentine On text Caveat: too debuting an artist for a very established writer. Patricia Couvet? On Beurs: Katya isn't very established either, but had a lot of trumps. So now that she has got it, she'll be eligible for quite a large project application. This doesn't go for Clémentine. Ronny doubts how much chance she has. Helps to structure one's thoughts.

Dirk De Wit Invitation for a panel. 8/9 is only possibility for R&K. Ronny checks whether Julie is available as well. Dirk called Julie: 10/9 Brussel? Moderator Lara Staal. Ronny is in favour but not available. 8/9 is def not possible for other participants. Julie will check what is possible considering also going to Spa those days.

JUM technical dossier VAF Ronny thinks it's best to have it signed by Sari. Also contract.

Bourse île de France pour la post-production > différents frais restent à payer.


s'occupe d'assurer les droits avec Gaumont pour plusieurs années. a payé les responsables de presse mais en même temps il a reçu 22.500 euros

Geneviève et Vincent se sont mis d'accord pour être responsable de certains frais en échange de ceci.

in VAF dossier there is an important fee foreseen for Vincent which he didn't receive. We have to go through the numbers with Ronny because he is the one who did the follow-up until now. Jesse wil enter the details that are ready like synopsis,...and discuss the numbers with Ronny.

The dossier Jesse sent is without the updated coproduction agreement.

Meeting Vincent Ronny Jesse: 1/9, 15h Brussels time / 10h Sao Paulo time.

Emptor Grace 7/9 Kunsthal: not necessarily part of newsletter. On holidays at the moment. 25/10 Film Contested land and Indigenous land rights (NL & ENG) Screening by OFFoff Art Cinema, curated by Grace Ndiritu and Jubilee 02/11 - 7pm to 9pm Local Knowledge (NL & ENG) A fascinating talk by local residents sharing their personal archives and stories of living in Patersho 25/11 Holistic Reading Room -> als Caveat Reading Room incl meditation. Group reading of Giorgio Agamben’s philosophical book on the law of living together - The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life.

6/9 team meeting? -> Julie stelt voor aan Ronny

Op termijn kunstenaars mee laten voorstellen doen? Drink organiseren?

Emilie Normal out of budget, Emilie wants to be independent. Also took another job.

Dossier Kunstendecreet
Check handleiding. Wat valt op?

Check word document. Bestaat uit: -Missie & historiek -> ook inbedden in context van/te extrapoleren naar toekomstvisie -Positionering, samenwerkingen, belang binnen het (inter)nationale veld (<-> strategische visienota) -Inhoudelijk plan. In relatie tot functies. -Zakelijk plan. Redelijkheid en realiteitszin. -Organisatiestructuur en bestuur -Personeelsbeleid en organigram (eventueel een transformerend organigram: huidige situatie en waar wil je naar toe)

Kiosk access Jesse has access now.

SOTA Kobe's proposal is difficult. Julie proposes 2/11.

Jeanne Is willing & prepared to help with communication. Meeting with Jesse 8/9. -> Jesse checks with Ronny what we can propose in terms of budget & payment. Contract?

Statuten "-Formulier 1 + luik B en statuten in drievoud. Laatste pag keerzijde tekenen -Form 2 + luik B en incl statuten in drievoud + statuten origineel getekend" Blijkt te betekenen formulier luik B in drievoud. -> Jesse spreekt opnieuw af met Sari van zodra ze terug is.

Artist meetings/retraite planning 20/9, 13h 18/10, 9:30h 15/11, 9:30h

Next meeting daily management Ronny: next week any day but the 3rd. Or monday 6th latest.

Meeting Vincent Ronny Jesse: 1/9, 15h Brussels time / 10h Sao Paulo time.