Jubilee artist meeting December 2020
Present: Jeanne, Justin, Julie, Ronny & Katleen, Eleni, Vincent, Jesse Excused: Jasper
-Meeting notes November: additions/corrections? No corrections, Jesse will finalize and send with notes of present meeting.
-Board meeting: December 16, 18:30h (Jesse makes zoom meeting) *Dieter Lesage will not join - this will be a meeting focused on formalities -> present board members propose 2 new members, to be accepted during the General Assembly in March.
- Financial overview per artist2015-2020 When applying for structural funding, we we'll have to apply including project programme - 5-year programme, impossible. Using average turnover of past years, we'll have an argument to justify a certain proposed budget
- diagram of activities and partners, co-producers from local to transcontinental
*Budget 2021 Jasper isn't in it, there's no information. Ronny would be in favour of having clarity in March. Take up the discussion now so he has time to reflect? Vincent knows Jasper best, invited him originally, it would be good that they have a personal talk together. -> Vincent takes contact.
*Planned activities
January: Reading Room Stengers Slow Science? February 5: Reading Room Katya Ev - Agreement on the enactment of a performance 3/3: Eleni, The Corners of the Mouth 26/3: Reading Room Orphans of Tar First half of April: Reading Room Kobe 26/4 Reading Room Clementine Vaultier, who initiated a research project into a ceramics oven in Chateau Jolimont which will be sold soon. Her A/R theme, applying through La Cambre - if all goes through her deadline is early January, but preparing it would be a good way of refining her application. 27/4 Justin, Listening in the Time of Corona 20/5 Enactment performance Katya Ev May: 2 film programmes to mark the release of the publication 'Drifting Studio Practice' - not sure if the book will be ready early May - waiting for confirmation of Cinematek. Ronny: we do have a budget for it - it's not necessary. Vincent & Ronny: Jesse should recontact Cinematek next week. Otherwise Bozar, Palace, Nova?
Grace, Agamben? Extremes forms of poverty-> monastic rules and life) But she would like to read that in Kunsthal. Otherwise it's still really relevant to do a reading room with her. The Last Movie - Dennis Hopper could be relevant: hippie community coming to an indegenous community in Latin America. Grace thinks about screening it at OFFoff.
*Katya Ev : triple event ? - reading agrrement -preparing encatement / book presentation (but no publisher yet !) - enactement performance
Hisk final show : opening 16-20 dec -> 31 january
- Internship Jeanne Gilbert including Caveat and producing events. Ronny: an artist's internship should be done as an artist. Some days can be renumerated on a volunteers basis (?) 34 days total/legal internship linked to insurance, Jeanne thinks this is not really a coherent period for an internship, thinks of it more as a project that should be longer.
*More tasks/projects: 7 Walks, Casting Call
link to etherpad open log book: ?
link to etherpad 7 Walks: ?
34 weeks in total with 1 day internship but 1 day extra for the "other" things
Retraites are important opportunity for Jeanne to be involved: fresh critical perspective on vision to be collectively defined and detailed.
-EK *Casting Call: VAF postprod Pre-meeting chat: translate treatment last - perhaps not translate at all We should translate the first pages of treatment (pages 1-10) and if not enough time we leave in English the script parts (pages 11-28)
*New project: The Corners of the Mouth Start development next year. March meeting to collect information from participants. Mondriaan application. Trying to further expand the Moebius strip -> Drawing to experiment , find a longer relationship with insitution? (new media) -> V2 / (psychiatry) Het Vijfde Seizoen (psychatric facility, artistic practices in the institution in NL)
-VM Acquisition The Intruder MHKA: Nav wants to stick to the original proposal. Ronny: the artist always has the right to change their work, decide that what they're showing NOW is The Intruder. Vincent: That's not what I said in the beginning. May say no to offer. Answer to draft this week.
*JUM Budget to send to VAF -> needs to be finished soon. Q: overheads non-Flemish coproducers are allowed, but which percentages? 34th Biennale Sao Paulo: contract Working on a dialogue with Olivier M for on the website. Rotterdam : Jury member 1st week of February Berlinale : February 2nd week of February Z33 Hasselt -> collective show : february
*Blues Klair -> sent to print in MTL Launch event to be discussed. Perhaps showing Ultramarine in installation version at Watou - has been postponed but may take place next summer.
-Kaaitheater call DL 13/12 Occasion for a reflection moment with all (?) people we've been working with within Caveat. Vincent: necessity for performative arts angle. Eleni's methodology could offer super interesting format for this - the new project? Julie: propose to Kaaitheater to be Enactor of Katya's performance? Julie: reflecting on existing Caveat work... -> how to perform the 'Caveat agreement' in the Brussels scene?
Samah Hijawi invited R&K to be part of a project she's preparing "Aesthetics of the Political" (online radio show by Guy Gijpens) for Kanal.
Invitation to Denmark, first ideas summer school Laeso. On the island, there are three main activities: salt, seaweed and art. Who'd like to be present, can propose: discussions, unlearning experience.
Diner: set up discussion to organize european summer school (Spain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium )
Dossier Erasmus Plus could eb an alternative. Last week of June.
R&K will send conceptual note with dates and invitation.
21-27 JUNE
Program to follow
House + studio + camping
VGC Erfgoed wasn't granted
7 Walks - putting together groups to walk with in Spa
-JB Started second serie of podcast Stroom: Arno leaves, Jane stays. Applied research money Den Haag -> answer in 2 weeks BNBcon : lot of work during confinment Online + Audio K7 / photographs -> print on demand Book ? -> for the collectors ! Lots of shit at the Conservatory *Listening in the time of corona: invited Flavien Gillié, Renate Zentschnig did projects before with the title as theme, Els Viane didn't, but is relevant addition. Everyone could present their project.
-Varia Starting time future virtual meetings: 14h Kunstenaarsstatuut: SOTA working group on kunstenaarsstatuut (R&K, Katrien and Kobe) was invited by oKo to discuss.