Tracks meeting 28 January 2021
Agenda proposal: -introduction round, -collaboration, -finances, -funding options, -app design, -public presentation, .... Anything else?
Present: Ronny, Michiel, Justin, Flavien, Aernoudt, Séverine, Julia, Henry, Jesse, Ludo, Beursschouwburg: Gilke Vanuytsel, Hanne Delodder, Excused:
Meeting notes
Jitsi from now on: https://meet.jit.si/brusselstracksmeeting
Q-O2 planning a soundwalk festival in 2022 - idea at the moment is to have the festival independent from the Tracks platform.
Collaboration & finances BSB started to develop sound walks as a reaction to the lockdown situation. https://beursschouwburg.be/en/events/on-the-go/ BSB on the go. it is a mix of music (DJ's) and more sound-art type works. 15 different artists. Started in June. More focussed on pop music. At the moment runs from a website. it is being used quite well.
Dossier Visit Brussels is concluded now Melat needs to confirm BSB participation with money.
2 activiteieten premies has been granted for a presentation. Proposed dates: 15 / 16 May - Beursschouwburg will check whether this works for them. Good presentation framework, would be interesting if they can have a role in this.
How do we define Tracks? Tool? Platform?
Programme of the public presentation: question whether workshop would be interesting - in case participants create a soundwalk, what does this imply for the inclusion of external artists in the app/collaboration?
Protocol: how are artists remunerated for sharing their work?
Ronny: opportunity
Severine: I thought Tracks is simply a platform to visibilize and audibilize sound walks
Henry: Every platform should be responsible of fairly remunerating the artists their presenting
Gilke: Authorship rights. Sabam are not sure of how to deal with this
Ronny: Sabam's model is to claim the rights of their member (whether the latter wants or not). This is something to be solved. Discuss with Jubilee's IP lawye and jurist.
Julia: can the soundwalks distribtuted through the app also be shared through other channels?
Michiel: yes, but the technical infrastructure would need to be provided.
Julia: Independency? Curated collaboration is a lot of work/procedure. Huge difference whether we offer an artist a tool, or to be part of a collection.
Ronny: Each of the partners will have an environment
Michiel: 3 filters. Per organisation - custom (f.e. festival, 'only sound', per language, etc) - 'nearby'. For each of the partners a page is available.
Michiel: no design available yet.
Visit Brussels demands public presentation -> budget? + 2x 2000 Culturele activiteitenpremie
Hanne: communication around sound walks, or also about the Tracks app per se?
On the agenda next time:
-design (Michiel shares server spaces with mockup design)
-agreement around shared ownership
-public presentation