YOUR QUESTIONS Some elements, we did not fully understand: - maps should be already zoomed in so it frames the accurate area, not all Europe for instance Could you give a specific example? There are three maps we need to fill out: place, journey and space. When uploading a new item each time we saw a map with Greenland? This seems to have chnaged now - it's Belgium we see now
- The prototype currently under development should already have all three levels operational. What three levels are you thinking of here? We were referring to the work that still needs to be done:
- How / what do we upload ? -> addressé dans la documentation qui accompagnerait l'encodage dans django admin + des formulaires dans django plus clairs
- What do we see when things are uploaded? -> spécifier dans la doc
- How do we make relationships between uploaded things visible ?
Additional notes after meeting with Loes on 3 November 2023 Present 3/11: Loes, Phyllis, Katleen, Ronny
Proposed name: SHARDS
the 3 general questions Max formulated remain central: 1/How do we upload ? -can we work together on an operating manual? maybe AC can upload one or two projects, run through the whole mapping protocol, so that we can observe what functions how... -what do we see when we upload: not clear at this point
2/What do we upload ?
-this is a collective dialogue between partners (with or without AC) that could be organised monthly?
we imagine this as a type of reading room during which we discuss documents that are proposed to be uploaded. The discussion on these documents could be registered / transscribed and become part of the information on the mapping tool.
3/Making relations visible through the creation of archipelagos
-this is a question that needs to be addressed if we want the tool to land as a prototype of what we had in mind.
The prototype currently under development should already have all three levels operational.
Additional questions: - markers on maps should be more visible (light blue, not bold enough) - is this related to the symbol that we need to upload, as a way to personalize markers?
-Can we include Traces as part of the archipelago - for the content of the research (for example an archive document)
When uploading info - it is not clear if there is a difference between elements that are so-called part of the archipelago and elements that are not
-We would like use Narratives as themes that can link elements on the map - in that way we would be able to create relationships.
-multiple options need to be available if choices re requested: ex - type: walk - but in the same gesture there might also be an 'exhibition'. Now we can only chose one type.
-resolution of the images? how heavy can files be? the images of the maps are currently not legible, look rough,... do we need to use a specific format ex jpeg?
-Announcement: only possible to mention indoor - but some things happen outdoor. and sometimes both are the case. Not possible to mark this now. Also missing is date, place. A map might be convenient? These may all be present through different links that the map already makes, but for us at this moment that is not a transparent process...
-Should specify how elements relate to each other? Ex: direct realtion - a work of artist X is presented in a project of organisation Y: ex: 7 Walks in Kunst & Zwalm 2023 Ex: indirect relation - a document can be shared in different practices at different moments
design see: when you click the link you come to a starting page that offers an introduction to the mapping tool. we would need something like that as well, a place where visitors can start, with an introduction, and that also includes the different tools they can use to browse the mapping tool.
our side panel needs design work and should be clickable (open or close); or could appear when you click a shard shards need to be accessible so you can see the full image/map etc... At this point the shards are not very functional, photos not visible, maps not legible. we need to be able to go into a shard, at which point the side panel could appear with info and hyperlinks.
individualiseren? nota
Meeting 17 October 2023 Present: Ronny, Katleen, Loes, Louise, Max, Clementine, Jesse
Ronny introduces Innoviris programme Proof Your Social Innovation. Sees a possibility for the mapping tool as a cooperative innovative projects. The program is about testing out scenario's / a tool / a business... 6 to 18 months Timeline: 31 October, 1 page draft Feedback by Innoviris specialist technical dossier deadline 30 November
Max shares that Smart wants to get rid of LaVallée. Smart rents it, becomes too expensive.
Max: general questions we need to address with AC: - How / what do we upload ? - What do we see when things are uploaded? - How do we make relationships between uploaded things visible ?
The prototype currently under development should already have all three levels operational.
In this meeting we mainly focused on the uploading question.
1/How / what do we upload ?
In the Mapping admin page we go through the 4 terms that we choose as constitutive of an archipelago: practice, gesture, announcement, marker
We use From Chimeny to Chimney as test case.
Questions that come up in this process:
-Why do the titles under Announcements and Markers in the Index page of the map not become bold and clickable?
-How to create & correctly save a journey?
- markers on maps should be more visible (light blue, not bold enough)
- maps should be already zoomed in so it frames the accurate area, not all europe for instance
- Can't we copy paste a journey we made in our maps (google, openstreetmaps) to ease the journey tracing ?
-Can the lines for a journey follow streets rather than straight lines? We tried and it stops after three clicks.
-Can we indicate more than one Place (in Gestures, Situations, etc)?
-Can we include Traces as part of the archipelago - for the content of the research (for example an archive document)
-Can the names of the shards be displayed when we hover over them
-Can we go into a full view of the shard? Possibly losing its shape...
-Can urls be visible as clickable links? Can we create an embedded links (like control+K) to a text?
- Can we add layout and formatting to text fields? (Bold, italics, underline, headers, embedded links, etc) Which are recognised also when copy-pasted from somewhere else?
-We would like use Narratives as themes that can link elements on the map - in that way creating relationships.
-Can we link practices to (multiple!) traces, gestures, situations, narratives? So that they can be 'shared'/'co-owned'?
We focus on: - Practices - Gestures - Markers - Announcements + Traces + Narratives
In those, we need to have the choice to fill or not fill in the others categories, because some are not relevant and we need to reduce / simplify the uploading and reading of each element. In most case the precision can be added in the description, and content should be added through uploading the traces.
We need to add Traces to the active elements with the four others. that's actually the content of the gestures, what we need to be able to organise and access through the map (archives, documentation, excerpts of discussion...)
Why is a marker important as a categorie as such ? Can it be an attribute / feature to a geolocalised gesture / announcements / traces ?
2/What do we see when things are uploaded? In this stage the relation between what we upload and what we see is not very transparent. We have the impression that we upload a lot of information, but not sure where it becomes visible. Some info on the display map are indications? For example where can we see the maps?
The archipelago and shards: how can we have a full view of what is on the shard? When pictures or maps stay in the boundary of the shard everything is tiny.
There are markers/dots outside of the shards, but we can not open them.
General View: How will the 'front' page look like/the archipelago of all the islands? Then the smaller archipelago and then the single island.
The side panel and the use of (longer) texts on it...
From Practices, can the terms 'concept', 'theme', 'method' be invisble on the front end?
3/How do we make relationships between uploaded things and between people visible ? Katleen: how about affilations/affinities, collaborations?
VIEW: How to show the relationships?: -with lines or proximity? - the shards/islands moving closer to each other when they share traces (f.e. documents), situations(contexts/themes), collaborations..? -Clementine made a drawing in a previous AC meeting, with shards showing a next shard underneath it as they show in fields of depth the relationships becoming visible... -Could something be done with the 'in between space'? (Now there are markers in that empty space...) It would be good to discuss a number of possible options that are technically feasible. (curated relations, use of hashtags, search functions, upload data...?)
We think what shows the relationships (like the movement of the islands for example) should not be arbitrary (algorithm), nor stay fixed in a particular relationship for ever. Collaborations change, new projects will be uploaded, new documents shared...
People behind each element (credits, gesturer, or names in the text of the practice), can generate connections by an algorithm. But are these really that interesting? (=arbitrary)
Shared traces? (example: can a search function find all shared documents that we use in our individual or collective projects?)
Shared gestures? (example: not search for all 'walks', which is arbitrary, but for a collaboration as characteristic in the walks)
Shared situations? (example: how can we highlight/find a shared archival document, that is used at different events in different practices on the theme of property? or how can we share a document we want to discuss together on the mapping tool...?)
Collaborations?( example collaborations on the shared text for Techniques Journal)
Shared places? (example: using the same watermill for different practices at a different time. Overlapping walks in Brussels that pass by the same places, by the same authors at anoter moment in time, or by other authors)
The above list seems more promising to highlight a relational infrastructure. We come to a point where we think that listing specific themes can be a way to connect different shards and their content. For example: That's how we came to the idea to list under Narratives as themes that as such can link elements on the map.
Co-owning / co-sharing elements that help travels from archipelago to archipelago
Maybe through the word 'situation' that can be 'co-owned' / 'shared'. Rather than refering to institutional context (institution can be in credits), we would like to use the word situation as 'context', 'theme', 'constructing a (collective) situation'. (For example a moment, event in which a shared document/object can be activated: for example the flower created at the water mill during V&H 7 Walks Zwalm project was used at the oven in Brussels in a life event of Atlas of Ovens)
How do the islands form constellations into archipelagos? How do the archipelagos form constellations into the main map? Can this have something to do with possible relations between people, objects, documents, themes??
NAME: still need to find a good name for our tool, mapping an archipelago of practices...