
present: julie, ronny excused: jesse, vincent notes jesse 26/10

  1. follow-up meeting archive with Ychaï there is no resume of the meeting (Jesse?) True. The meeting wasn't very conclusive and partly dependent on the conversation with Rekall about hosting.

    Jesse relaunches conversation with Rekall. We continue agreement with Ychaï about work on video archive, same invoice. Upload and maintenance of new Jubilee archive should be fixed in maintenance agreement. Archiving (dropbox) should be done before 2023. Jesse plans Jesse puts notes meetign Ychai in pad, Ronny adds.

  2. website update archival version follow-up with Recall (Jesse?)

also for 'caveat.be' make sure with OSP that there is a static version.

  1. insurance fire: transferred to the one who signed the rental contract. Jubilee pays part of the insurance. Jesse forwards existing rental contract until 1/10 to Ronny. Ronny forwards to KBC with Laure in cc who can make new contract together. Jesse forwards new rental contract as well. Jesse sends mail to users of space with insurance value: now insured 15k and for Actiris surface 220€, Laure will take up for insured value that we'll have to communicate to her - we'll reimburse her for total insurance sum (also check rent warranties - if ok let Aernoudt know).

  2. rental costs Antje 4000 euros due she paid rent but the bank account number was wrong. the money was taken out of SMart with rent as reason. so rental costs cannot be the basis for taking money out of SMart anymore for the period before.

there is now a proposal to use an expense note for a later period. this could be the simplest solution. ronny checks with accounting to make sure no taxes need to be paid on this.

Ronny checked with Annelies, will have another conversation with Antje.

  1. Emptor budget

why are all expenses of Documenta on the Emptor budget? also there is a contribution of each artist of 150 euros. ronny assures that if there is too little in Emptor these expenses will be on the general Jubilee budget. we already make a division for these and public forum lumbung between Jubilee structural budget & Emptor.

there are missing invoices (katya/clementine/max) ronny discusses with jesse for financial follow-up: - with katya and clementine on remuneration as employee - invoice max - invoice TWIIID & steyn (for AOP 1 & 2)

Ronny mails these people with Jesse in CC who follows up.

Martinetti - ok for translation but under condition that there are clear agreements for AOP4 and text Buren.

Proposal to Sara to give a presentation on Siegelaub's collection during AOP4.

  1. question of bureau des dépositions to be engaged in next steps. in framework of agence nationale de la Recherche and MUCEM the content is not very clear yet - it's a prolongation of what is 'en cours'.

Julie forwards invitation and asks for more details + checks if tobias/louise (as case study for thesis) would be interested to be engaged.

VGC dossier

Take up parts of introduction VG dossier

Roundup operations Jesse makes listing of things to do. -Archiving -Insurances -Logins

Rent Jesse makes expense notes for rent costs 2022