Jubilee team meeting 27 September 2022 present: jesse, ronny, julie
Documenta reflection 23/10, 14h NICC wants to organise a moment on 'what did we learn from documenta 15?'. Together with SOTA at NICC Anderlecht.
Working moments to co-write: online, weekly, morning? (no necessary presence of all - co-writing complements...offers possibility to catch up) first exchange in Kassel -> Jesse shares we highlight what we consider important, this could be point of departure for further discussion J: was mainly about internal functioning of Jubilee R: this is a necessary focus when evaluating/speaking about documenta J: motivation would be higher if it goes together with the discussion how a future collaboration, 'jubilee', would be possible Mondays 10h30 - 12h30 / starting 10/10: reflection meeting with artists, team, board, associates, steyn, filip. Thursday 6 October 9h30: Artist meeting
VGC structural funding (deadline 1/11)
visibility in Brussels is an important issue
so a program would be needed:
-V&H trajectory for BXL
-Reading Rooms
-BXL artist run network
ambition to cover 1,3 VTE
-> Ronny calls Karina Luyten
-> Jesse reconstructs Brussels narrative for 3 year plan from VG structural dossier.
BXL partners V&H: radical house, atelier cartographique - BARN: level five
Jubilee space (moving, subrental contracts, rent) infrastructure (printer, frigo, shelves, desks, vault) will be discussed on thursday what stays and what is moved and how to organise the space
new people are interested in keeping shelves and buying more of these they made a proposal in a plan
there is a need to move certain stuff (e.g. material in the hallway...)
jubilee keeps 1 desk (+/- 102/month) - how to finance after december? untill summer there is no problem according to Ronny. will recalculate for the Board meeting.
Ronny could sign on behalf of Jubilee. -> Jesse forwards draft contract.
Emptor translations Sara Martinetti -> Ronny lets Sara know that this is a bit much in our present context, and that we have a priority for Sara's interview with Michel Claura and Daniel Buren.
budget/ Kobe asks to invoice in 2022 for the preparation AOP4. Julie checks with him what can already be paid in 2022. Clementine/Katya haven't been invoicing anything - we should agree on amounts - they prefer to keep the money within Jubilee - Ronny told them it would be possible to pay it 'in cachet' at the end of the project. We should at least agree what amounts we're speaking about. there is no view on what is left. Ronny is working on a financial overview. Julie doesn't fully agree on this way of working (her deciding on who gets how many) - we should take collective decisions about this. as well as on how we spend the remaining budget - how can extra engagement be covered in case of +-budget
Reading Room 24: good, yet maybe we focused a bit too much on the 'inside' versus 'outside' We highlighted the problematics of access and hierarchy. We didn't get to "instutition of critique". Jesse put notes & sound recording online. -> Julie & Ronny check, can add tags as well.
we try to communicate better/plan earlier to get more people present.
newsletter: oct. 27 next reading room / possibly with Apass (meeting thursday with Jesse & Ronny)
Doorbraaktraject (dealine: friday) verantwoording is niet rond - doc. van 4000 karakters financial reporting is done.
N-amerika/Afrika stabiliseren en uitbreiden > 4 biennales/50 screenings + 4 prices website (lancering 2023): ok + positief verschil in netto-inkomen Jesse works on language but content wise all elements are there & links importance of website to ambition to find commercial representation abroad
Bxl artist run network - collaboration with Level 5 stagiair 1 day par week for BARN, sometimes with Jesse. To help organising events: bike tour, Spaces for Spaces 3 and 4 (Level Five & SB
V&H collaboration NADINE, Atelier Cartographique (meeting today) walks in SPA (October) new project funding > money is in Jubilee (overhead is income for 4 months - afterwards costs) VAT obligations + accountancy costs thus remain - this is the negative point 25.000 euros is not that much so VAT obligations will probably remain in any way (e.g. VGC funding)
Board meeting (10/10) Jesse books room downstairs Ronny makes budgetary overview
who takes up 'dagelijks beheer' after december? (ronny & vincent or board)
after 7 walks (untill October) and Emptor (untill march) there will be no new projects managed possible future funding: VGC structural (it could be a minimum budget that is managed) VG projects (15 March) - there are many ideas, Jesse thinks we shouldn't exclude this.
what remains after december: - reading rooms? - newsletters? - other communication? (basic e-mail follow-up) - basic follow-up of budget Jesse could stay for 1dag/week covering this.
these questions should be discussed before in Next artist meeting > 6/10
keeping Jubilee as is: there could be rotating positions also internally, now there is a lack of presence and possible time available when artists are on their projects would it be possible to change roles? (e.g. max, ciel, katya, clementine) this asks for a sharing of knowledge and skills + transparancy and open dialogue + comparable, equally valued contributions if not you automatically create hierarchical positions
this asks for a more active presence and engagement of associate artists. No overhead to pay with, but the work would enable things that otherwise would not exist. -> Towards a cooperative structure: engagement represents shareholdership that could be monetized if ever there is money again.
asks for collective management of individual budgets
keeping Jubilee as transition structure: how could it evolve towards a shareholder structure how to make it possible for the structure to collectively cover 'overhead' positiions Julie: Jubilee as central organisation around which different collaborations can existed... would Jubilee represent overhead/backoffice or more an exchange? Ronny refers to Time Circus vzw, stating that basic needs should be covered for everyone in the system, only surplus could be managed collectively
could be a sharing only in terms of 'collective' projects