
Meeting 1 December 2020, 9:30h Present: Vincent, Ronny, Julie, Jesse (report)

Proposal agenda: SOTA Almanac - new edition: maybe a contribution on Emptor? Board meeting - statutes - Internal rules: in preparation of artist meeting Budget 2021 Finance 2015-2020 Representation working group visual arts oKo TRACKS - grant Visit Brussels / collaboration partners + Beursschouwburg

Kunstenaarstatuut two main directions -> Flanders : not a reflecion on what "Duurzaam" means whioh is necessary -> een VISIE Servaas lecompte is everywhere Ronny + Kobe + Katleen + Katrien met and spoke about this : develop a vision on what artist statute is and not fix existing problems -> Note to be disseminated in december French Speaking: direction = universal income

MIDSIZE WERKGROEP R -> would be better to operate within SOTA with a workgroup -> stronger effects in the future not creating a new island J : check also with Katrien R : you need to initiate the move we really need to avoid creating new islands (same for Young Academy for young artists who want to defend their interests)

SOTA Almanac - new edition: maybe a contribution on Emptor? different from first version one meeting a month text being produced from discussions in the meeting SOTA Support/SOTA Sup to access funding (Culturele Activiteitenpremie) R: contributing like last year with caveat we could consider Emptor + an event : a day around Emptor to generate the text propsoal + time travel (first 4 months alraedy covered) -may is an oppurtinuty Not before july for us. September ? J : is linked to the statuut ? R : No. J : septemebr is too late. we will know by april. June would be possible Christophe Salomé is the one busy with Almanac To Book June for Emptor Q: printed almanach doesn't make so much sense if there's one discussion a month - online publication would make more.

Culturele Activiteitenpremie applications for: -Reading room Orphans of Tar (26th of March) -Justin's project 27 april -Eleni 3 March Only Justin's proposal has been accepted until now. Should we go after to have approval for the others? Ronny suggests Jesse to call Stef Vonk. Maybe apply for more events? -publication of Lonnie & Siebren? -Caveat reading rooms? Reading Room: Sarah Vanuxem, Kobe, translator? (April) 20 of the 30 million are already gone! *Tentative calendar: January: Reading Room Stengers Slow Science? February: Reading Room SOFAM/ katya - contract for enactment? 3/3: Eleni, The Corners of the Mouth 26/3: Reading Room Orphans of Tar First half of April: Reading Room Kobe 26/4 Reading Room Clementine Vaultier, who initiated a research project into a ceramics oven in Chateau Jolimont which will be sold soon. 27/4 Justin, Listening in the Time of Corona Katya, Reading the Agreement? Grace, Agamben? (But she would like to read that in Kunsthal) Publication 'drifting studio practice' - not sure if the book will be ready early May - Jesse is waiting for confirmation of cinematek

Board meeting - statutes - Internal rules: in preparation of artist meeting Ronny informed Dieter about what is going on. Dieter is willing to step in officially in 2021 and be present already in the Board meeting of 16 December He and Sari will be proposed as 2 new members in the meeting of 16 December. They can be appointed in the general assembly meeting in March. In between Sari can take the position of president-ad interim. Prepare the invitation for the board with formal agenda. Ronny will send out the documents with the comments + adds that he made.

Budget 2021 VIAA - 6000 euros last year This year: more than 18.000 euros announced. Ronny will verify if that's correct. The idea is to spend this money on compensation of the artists for the artist meeting.

Finance 2015-2020 Ronny made an overview on each artist's project. Will allow us to settle the accounts in 2022, the last year of Jubilee's current structural operation.
The accounts for 2015-2016 aren't all available immediately. We could check with Katrien if necessary. Katleen discussed with oKo on new kunstendecreet and the impossibility to combine structural funding and project funding. How to argument for the strucural funding? Ronny would like to justify this on the basis of averages of the last 7 years. VAF money should be excluded in calculating this average turnover. All co-production moneys should be including.

extract from report Midsize strategy meeting Helga (WP Zimmer): According to oKo, uitvoeringsbesluit 'kaderdecreet' would be published in April. Details to be filled out throughout summer. There will be a commission 'Landschapszorg' to draft a new Landschapstekening (spring 2021?), members invited by the cabinet. At the moment, we don't know who is in there. Off the table: -a priori budget division between dynamic space & brede veld. -organisations with an annual budget under a certain amount aren't elegible for structural funding Kerninstellingen & Kunstinstellingen are still planned as announced before.
A strong suggestion that not all organisations will be able to continue.

TRACKS - sound walk app Grant Visit Brussels 14.500 to program app + reformat existing walks for the app + 3 walks (Justin + Q-O2 + BNA-BBOT) Charline (Overtoon) forwarded call by Beursschouwburg about soundwalks. Ronny invited BSB to host events to inaugurate the app publicly, as well as help co-producing the app - which implies they'll have access to an app for 8 years. New general director is very enthusiastic. Music programmer perhaps slightly less, but may be interesting & relevant for her as well. Officially, Jubilee has the rights/owns the app - according to the modalities of Visit Brussels. Ronny thinks all partners should be co-owners. BSB would have to bring in money. Could be remuneration with a reduction of 50% (€5000) + expenses of 3 walking events.
How to remunerate the artists of the sound walks? Check with BNA-BBOT how they do this, they offer their walks for free to the audience already. Public event(s) are projected in spring 2021.
Vincent: co-producers need money for new productions. How to formalize the collaboration between the different partners? Could be a good occassion for co-writing an agreement

OKO: Jubilee representation working group Visual Arts Josien De Roover has become zakelijk leider Het Bos Antwerp (music, performing arts,...). No longer president of Visual arts Working group (Annelies Stoelen Z33 is vice-president). Katrien is president of working croup Artiest Centraal (fair practice), feels isolated between all organisations. Jubilee is official member of Visual Arts working group - do we want to propose a candidature?
Presidents of working groups become member of the oKo board. Ronny went to the meetings on behalf of Jubilee, but hasn't been attending a lot recently. ? for Jesse What are the requirements for this position ? The Psdt sets the agenda Maybe Annelies S will become president. Jesse doesn't think it's useful to offer candidature fro presidency, but would like to be present at meetings from now on. Ronny gives Jesse access to next meeting (early December)

Summer School Laeso Do we have intention to be present? Invited: Jakob Jakobsen, self-organisation oriented university Copenhagen. Carico Massimo Jeanne? Education-related programme possible, but nothing decided yet. EFAP?

11u VAF Eleni VAF Vincent